More Free Time For You

How HayDowns work for you, and you horses:

Easy to fill:

It's quite simple really. You open the top, stuff them full of forage and spread it out, then close the top.

The wide opening top and vertical sides allow you to easily stack lots of flakes in, or stuff lots* of loose in. Spread it out so they will graze over the whole area, and squash** it down. Old duvet covers are great for carrying loose hay in.

* If the feeder is so full that the top is bent up above the top edge, a horse may pull hay from the gap and try to continue this greedy habit, rather than accessing hay through the holes in the top.

**If you are using partially soaked hay, before purchasing check that it can be pulled though a 75mm (3") hole in a flat board after being compressed some. And maybe don’t squash it down much.

Easy to open:

The top is kept in place by smooth round polyethylene vertical guides. The back guides are fixed and the front guides are held at the top by horse proof latches.  No parts to lift off or lose.
To undo the latches, there is a finger hole in the front face of the feeder, big enough for working gloves. Lift a small spring loaded metal bar inside and the guide top is released, slide it out of the latch hole and the top can now be opened. Stable feeder tops stay open by slotting on top of the back guides, field feeder tops the same or by folding back.

Fastened back or freestanding:

Stable feeders can be free standing or secured to the walls using our unique easy to undo horse proof fasteners. Field feeders are free standing. You can tie them to something if you need to.

They are easy to clean:

Scoop sweep or tip the dust and seeds out. Turn the feeder over with the top open, give it a kick or a whack with a broom, it will come to no harm. Clean regularly, once per week perhaps, don’t let too much hay dust build up in the bottom or it could go mouldy.

They have handles all round for carrying:

They are not particularly heavy when empty. For some of the bigger ones you may need help, or a sack barrow works well. They don’t have wheels and are best not dragged across hard surfaces.

Early version Standard Stable

Alison Garner, Livery yard owner and event rider, Brook Barn Equestrian. HayDown Standard Stable feeder.

At last a hay feeder that does what it says on the tin! After trying various methods to feed my horses off the floor without wastage, this is the first feeder I've found that actually does just that. I've been trialling the corner prototypes since early 2020. It's tough, robust and easy to use. It holds ample amounts to keep my horses occupied all night. Highly recommended.

Time, effort, and money savings:

Time and effort saved on refilling feeders, reordering forage, receiving and stacking hay deliveries, tidying up mess. Money saved on forage, vet bills, worn out brushes and barrows, hay nets.

You can get rid of those suspended nets, stop putting their forage on the floor, and put it in a HayDown.

Locating Stable HayDowns:

These are for inside use or under cover at least, they do not have rain drain holes in the base. Note they will not hold water anyway.

If you prefer to have yours fastened to the walls you can. Our unique wall fasteners hold the feeder snugly in place, so it can't be lifted or pulled out. They are easy for you to undo, and ought to be impossible for horses to undo without breaking them. The wall fasteners are made from MDPE, the only metal parts are the wall bolts which are inside.

If the corner walls are not square to each other you will need to add some timber to one wall to square it up, just enough to make a spacer pad for the wall fastener. Or you can board the whole corner if you wish.

If the floor is not flat, you will need to do some more preparation. Some levelling or add timber lengths to the walls to stand the feeder on. Something placed underneath to support the middle front of the feeder floor may be a good idea. The feeder will end up being higher off the ground, so make sure it’s not going to be too high for your horse to reach right down in without caching their neck on the top edge. And make sure the gap under the front of the feeder is either too narrow for a rolling horse to get a foot under, or big enough that a foot will not get stuck.

Locating Field HayDowns:

These are for outside use, they have lots of 38mm rain drain holes in the base and a row of 24mm air flow vent holes in the sides. Where you place them is up to you.

If your horses turn a feeder over, it won't come open. I have seen a horse turn it over and back again to tip the dust and seeds out. If you want to tie the feeder to something, you can do so either through the handle holes or by drill holes.

Assembly and maintenance:

They will be delivered as flatpacks with instructions. To assemble them you will need your hands, maybe gloves and pliers, a sharp knife, an 8mm spanner, and a crosshead screwdriver. For assembling stable feeder wall fasteners you will need a drill and 13mm socket spanner. If we spent time assembling them for you, they would cost an awful lot more, as would the delivery.

They are assembled from pre-cut sheet and tube plastic parts, big nylon cable ties, and a small number of stainless-steel parts and fasteners in the latch system. All corners and edges are rounded off. The tie heads are tucked out of the way on the outside and the exposed stainless fasteners are flush with the plastic surface on the inside and smooth rounded on the outside.

The cable ties are recyclable if clean and sent to the right place. So to recycle all the tails after assembly, I include a prepaid envelope for you to return them.

If you need to replace any cable ties, you can either buy them from us, or a local supplier. Details on the instructions.

If you need to replace any of the other parts, ask us for spares. If you can re-use old parts for something else, please do. We can recycle the old black plastic parts, and the cable tie tails, if you send them back to us. Black plastic is not currently recycled domestically. Wrap them in brown paper, stick a label on and courier or post them. You may be able to find an industrial recycler to take them?